Planning Recruitment & Training
All three mobile belfries can be used outdoors throughout the year however The Charmborough Ring is paticualrly suitable for use indoors, for example in shopping centres and for school activities days in school halls. Below are examples of where this has been successful in the past:
If you are thinking of hiring a mobile belfry for a recruitment event, the Association of Ringing Teachers website contains lots of useful information.
You can usually collect a list of at least 20 names when the ring is used at a public event, and you need to plan how you are going to capture their contact details, follow up afterwards and train them. We also often find that these people come from quite a wide area.
Therefore those from outside your immediate area will need to be put in touch with a teacher and a local band. You local Guild/Association should be able to help and there is a contact form on the Association of Ringing Teachers website.
The Association of Ringing Teachers runs a training scheme for teachers to deliver the Learning the Ropes curriculum to their new ringers. This is backed up with a dedicated website, regular newsletters, Facebook pages and a range of publications and workshops aimed at those learning to ring and teaching new ringers.
Site Requirements
The mobile rings are not as loud as church bells but can be a source of irritation when being rung continuously for many hours, therefore, when choosing a site, hirers should give due consideration to the potential noise impact on any nearby residents or businesses. We also have supplementary chamois leather muffles, which can be used to quieten the bells, so that at most events the noise of the ring is not an issue.
The site where the mobile belfry is to be erected needs to be reasonably level, and the hirer should obtain the permission of the landowner and check that there are no obstrictions in the way. Please check the dimensions of openings and gates, and whther there are any overhead power cables.
The Charmborough Ring
The Charmborough Ring normally requires a clear space of 8m x 5m although a reduced space can be accommodated. When erected, The Charmborough Ring occupies approximately 2.1m x 4.3m. If The Charmborough Ring is to be erected indoors, a clear height of 4.5m is needed. If the trailer and its towing vehicle can be brought to the site this eases erection and minimises the time needed.
Four 2.4m long x 225mm wide x 50mm thick timbers are available for the CharmboroughRing to stand on to reduce damage to the ground. The hirer may wish to provide additional protection if the surface is particularly vulnerable e.g. indoors or on grass. Please discuss any site specific concerns, including restricted space of less than 8m x 5m, with us.
The Trust will provide a competent supervisor to direct the erection and dismantling, but for The Charmborough Ring the hirer must provide a team of at least 5 able-bodied and reasonably strong adults to help with this. The erectors should be suitably clothed for carrying the steelwork and wear stout footwear, ideally steel toe–capped boots if available. The Trust will provide all the tools necessary and has a small stock of strong rigger’s gloves which the erectors are encouraged to wear.
A portable petrol driven generator is normally used to power the electric hoist used during erection and dismantling. However, where a normal 240v mains supply is available this can be used instead.
Erection normally takes about 1¼ hours and dismantling 1 hour. More information on the site requirements and erection sequence, together with photographs, can be found here.
Health & Safety
The hirer will be responsible for cooperating with the Trust to ensure the health and safety of all concerned. When the Ring is to be erected in public places, health and safety is a paramount consideration, and the hirer is advised to consult with the owner or manager of the land at an early stage. A Method Statement & Risk Assessment for the Charmborough Ring and a quantitative model risk assessment that can be adapted to take account of site specific issues can be accessed from the Resources page.
The Mobile Belfries Trust’s safeguarding policy is that If you are using the ring to recruit young people or vulnerable adults, local organisers are responsible for putting appropriate safeguarding measures in place. This includes ensuring that that there is no touching or inappropriate behaviour or remarks, and that the ringing is adequately supervised.
Insurance & Security
The Mobile Belfries Trust carries employers liability insurance with a limit of indemnity of £10M, and public/products liability insurance with a limit of indemnity of £5M. A certificate of insurance is available from the Resources page. If the ring is to be left overnight, the hirer will be responsible for taking security measures which are to the satisfaction of the Trust.
© All Rights Reserved. The Mobile Belfries Trust. Registered Charity # 1126164